Thursday, May 19, 2011

Retreat to Advance

A few days before I attend a spiritual retreat my mom relayed to me a conversation she had with my brother on the topic of retreats.  Rather tongue in cheek he informed her that at his church only the women retreat, when the men get together they “ advance”.  This stayed on my mind during my weekend retreat as I considered what it meant to retreat.

When used as a verb states that to retreat is an act of withdrawal, often used in military terms either as a forced withdrawal or a strategic tactic.  As a noun it is a place of quiet and solitude often used for prayer.

My brother’s play on words about not retreating always advancing reminds of someone who will continue driving for hours instead of stopping to ask for directions.  In the end, who finds their way with more ease and grace, the person who pushed ahead stumbling blindly trying to find the path?  Or the person who stopped to considered where they were going and how to get there?   For me taking time for retreat, whether a few moments of meditation or a weekend at the beach, is about taking time to reflect on where my life is going and if it is the direction I want to take.  Only by making the time to retreat out of my everyday business into a space of quiet reflection can I hope to advance in a meaningful direction.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Life and Death in my SoulCollage® deck

I recently created two new cards for my SoulCollage® deck.  On the surface these latest cards seem to be on opposite ends of the spectrum from each other. 

My “Mother” card represents my desire to be a mother as well as my power to create as I give birth to my new business.  I nurture myself and others through my SoulCollage® workshops, my Life Coaching practice and my garden.

My “Death/Transitions” card seemed to be a natural addition to my deck.  I’ve had an image I’ve been holding for a while, knowing eventually I would create a “Death” card.  I felt it was a mandatory addition to my deck as eventually we all encounter death in some form in our lives, culminating in our own physical deaths.

I was struck by the irony of creating these two cards so closely to each other, but then I realized that they go together naturally.  In order to create the changes I am working to manifest in my life I need the energy of the death card to clear the way for new things to come.  Then I will use the mother energy to create what it is I want in my life.