Monday, November 5, 2012

The Oracle - What do I need to know for the Paradigm Shift

Lately I have been feeling the itch to dive back into my work, both as Life Coach and SoulCollage® facilitator after taking some much needed time to devote to my family.  The cards have been singing their siren song to me and I have listened to their call.   I recently listed to the latest SoulCollage® Facilitator Oracle presentation and it inspired me to find my own answers to the question put forth to the group.   

The following is the answers I received from the six cards I drew from my personal deck to answer the question,   “What do I (we) need to know for the Paradigm Shift?”

  • Stop hiding from yourself.  It is a time of deep personal contemplation and soul searching.
  • Know Thyself.  Unwrap the bindings of traditions and culture to look with fresh eyes.  Question Everything!
  •  Allow yourself to grieve during change.  Do not hide from yourself, your emotions or the world at large.  Put the mask down and be authentically yourself.
  • Connect with Source.  Know that you are always supported by the Universe.  We are here whenever you need us.
  • Fly!  You have much to offer.  It is time to spread your wings and fly.  The planet needs you to share your gifts/do you work at this critical juncture.
  • There is work for you to do.  “Go do the Voodoo that you do so well!”
  • We are going to shake things up, so hold on and let’s boogie!  If you keep your sense of humor this can be fun! 

I felt compelled to share these answers, because they were not for me alone.   This is what is needed at this cross roads in history.  Regardless of tomorrow’s election results, the time for change is at hand.   Collectively we need to stand up and make sure what we do counts.   What that means for us individually is that it is time to do uncover our purpose and then take it forth those gifts into the world to help make the world a better place one person and one act at a time.   


Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I remember an Angel reading I got several years ago at a conference that told me I was a writer.  She said I had a book I need to write and that I needed to get started practicing my craft, even if it was only through journaling.   I dismissed the idea since I’d never been a big fan of journaling. I had tried journaling before, but it always left me feeling like it was something I should enjoy but never found it particularly satisfying.  Because I had dismissed the idea I put it out of my mind and didn’t remember this reading until earlier this afternoon.

Last year when I began my Life Coaching certification process I began writing answers for class and as part of that process I began this blog.   I discovered the joy I receive in crafting the words and sharing my thoughts in this format.  I found it very therapeutic in the way that pen and paper never provided.  For the first time in my life I felt like I could claim the title “writer” even if I never intended to publish a book.

This afternoon I was out with friends and we came across a palm reader and decided to get a reading.   One of the things the palm reader mentioned was that I need to be writing.  She saw it as my life’s work.   Suddenly the earlier reading popped into my head and with my recent experience with blogging I felt more receptive to the idea.   I still have no idea what I will be writing about, but at least I didn’t just shrug it off.

This evening I was checking my email when I came across an invitation to a workshop with a publisher for all perspective writers.   I had to laugh when I saw the email because I recognized it as a sign that I needed to pay attention this time.  I love how synchronicity works…a great reminder to pay attention, calling me back to my path.   

I figure it is time to get back to blogging, making it a priority even while I’m busy with my new baby.  I look forward to seeing my life unfold to see what I wind up writing about.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Defining Self

Do you ever look in the mirror and wonder who the person staring back at you is? 

When I lived in Arizona, I wore many hats: student, friend, mentor, daughter, employee, leader.  I slipped easily into many of these roles without giving them much thought about who I was in relationship to these roles or if they best served me.

The last three years of my life have changed that perspective.  During these last three years I’ve made so many changes in my life that I am left wondering who I am.   While all the changes have been positive and largely self-induced (except one, but really that turned out to a blessing too) they still leave me wondering what became of the person I was and who is the person I am now versus the person I was.  What is it that defines me?

I’m coming up on the third anniversary of the single craziest thing I’ve done and the thing that started this whole ball rolling…my big cross-country move, leaving behind the only life I’d known and trusting that I would be okay.  This was an exciting time because it was like getting a clean slate.   I got to try different activities that would have been out of my comfort zone.  I felt like no one here knew who I was and so there were no limits or predefined values about what I was supposed to do or be.  During time I became Alison the independent adventurer.

A year later came another life changing event.  Just a few weeks shy of the anniversary of my move I got married to the love of my life.   Along with this change in status came a change in name.  I would see my new name in writing and it would look so strange.   I would do a double take and wonder to myself “I wonder who is Alison Bradley?”   I became Alison the wife.

A few months later and yet another change.  I lost a job I had held for over 7 years.  It had been my first job post-college and it left me floundering for a bit.   Suddenly I had to figure out what it is I wanted to do for a living again.  The process of job-hunting in a tough market gave me a sense of satisfaction and was a marked change from my job search after college.  I had confidence in myself and what I brought to the table.  I was Alison the go-getter!

2011 brought new changes and new titles....Alison the organizer, Alison the facilitator, Alison the Life Coach. With each new change comes a stronger sense of self, of purpose.

In a few short months I will be redefining myself once again as I get the new title of Mom.  A few weeks ago I was going through a book I received as a child and it had my name written in it.  It occurred to me that my child would never know that person.  I’m no longer the person I was, yet not knowing how my child will see me.  How will this new adventure change how I define myself?  Who do I want to be for my child?  What examples will I set?  Who will I be this time around?