Thursday, October 17, 2013

Inner Artist

While flipping through a magazine last week an image tugged at me and I knew it was time to get out my scissors and glue…another SoulCollage® card was begging to be made.   The image was of a photographer pointing her camera at the viewer and I instantly knew something was trying to come into focus for me.   I cut the image and quickly found a background image that sang with the photographer, but after hours of culling through magazines nothing else was coming.   I set the magazines aside and asked what was trying to come into focus for me.  I let the question sit for a few days until I realized the answer had been staring me in the face for the past two weeks.   I’ve been baking like crazy.   The answer was I need to create.  The artist in me needed a voice and it didn’t matter what medium it was.  I’d been ignoring my inner artist while I immersed myself in mom life.   I have to laugh at the signs the universe keeps throwing my way…it took a while but I finally got it.  For crying out loud, my husband got me a glass making kit for my birthday last month...the universe is literally giving me things to help me create.   I’m getting better at listening to this voice…it only took me a month to catch on this time!

Inner Artist
I am one who creates.
I am one who sees beauty around and within, bringing it forth for others to see, to let it shine and touch, inspired, confuse and delight.
I am one who gives life to art in many forms.
I am the creator and destroyer, bringer of transformations.   Cutting, pasting, gluing, baking, sewing, crafting to bring beauty to the world and peace to my heart.